Un’anteprima dell’accessorio Galaxy Ring, arriverà in 9 misure
Risultati per: Atlante della salute mentale 2011
Questo è quello che abbiamo trovato per te
L'Indice di Vicinanza della Salute al minimo storico nel 2022
Rapporto Visentini, confermata la difficile ripresa post pandemia
Smog: a Milano 200 scienziati, confronto su effetti sulla salute
Dal 29 febbraio all’1 marzo l’evento internazionale RespiraMi
Ministero Salute, un video per ringraziare tutto il personale
‘Tanti volti, un impegno unico: la tua salute. Grazie!’
Cdm, Ministero della Salute: nominati i capi Dipartimento
Comunicato del 15/02/2024 n°12
Salute: Vietri, da Governo giusta attenzione a reumatologia
Il ministero della Salute innalza allerta dengue alle frontiere
Una nota agli uffici di Sanità marittima, Aerea e di frontiera
Il ministero della Salute innalza allerta dengue alle frontiere
Una nota agli uffici di Sanità marittima, Aerea e di frontiera
Riccardi, privato accreditato alleato sistema di salute pubblica
Assessore a inaugurazione sale operatorie del Policlinico
Elevated prevalence and treatment of sleep disorders from 2011 to 2020: a nationwide population-based retrospective cohort study in Korea
This study used National Health Insurance claims data from Korea to report the prevalence of sleep disorders and treatment status, including traditional Korean medicine, in the last 10 years.
This is a retrospective cohort study in Korea. All diagnosis and prescription data, including herbal medicine claims, from the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service from 2011 to 2020 were reviewed. Prevalence estimation, direct medical expenses and prescribed amounts for sleep disorders were recorded.
The prevalence of sleep disorders increased from 3 867 975 (7.62%) in 2011 to 7 446 846 (14.41%) in 2020, nearly doubling over 10 years. Insomnia was observed in 91.44% (n=9 011 692) of the patients. The mean number of hospital visits per patient for sleep disorders was 11.5 (±26.62). Benzodiazepines are the most commonly prescribed medications for sleep disorders, and gamma-isoyosan is the most frequently prescribed herbal medicine.
Sleep disorders are continuously increasing, as is the use of medical services—personal and social medical expenses are also increasing accordingly. Sleep disorders should be recognised as a significant health problem that needs to be actively addressed to improve quality of life.
Improving our understanding of the social determinants of mental health: a data linkage study of mental health records and the 2011 UK census
To address the lack of individual-level socioeconomic information in electronic healthcare records, we linked the 2011 census of England and Wales to patient records from a large mental healthcare provider. This paper describes the linkage process and methods for mitigating bias due to non-matching.
South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLaM), a mental healthcare provider in Southeast London.
Clinical records from SLaM were supplied to the Office of National Statistics for linkage to the census through a deterministic matching algorithm. We examined clinical (International Classification of Disease-10 diagnosis, history of hospitalisation, frequency of service contact) and socio-demographic (age, gender, ethnicity, deprivation) information recorded in Clinical Record Interactive Search (CRIS) as predictors of linkage success with the 2011 census. To assess and adjust for potential biases caused by non-matching, we evaluated inverse probability weighting for mortality associations.
Individuals of all ages in contact with SLaM up until December 2019 (N=459 374).
Outcome measures
Likelihood of mental health records’ linkage to census.
220 864 (50.4%) records from CRIS linked to the 2011 census. Young adults (prevalence ratio (PR) 0.80, 95% CI 0.80 to 0.81), individuals living in more deprived areas (PR 0.78, 95% CI 0.78 to 0.79) and minority ethnic groups (eg, Black African, PR 0.67, 0.66 to 0.68) were less likely to match to census. After implementing inverse probability weighting, we observed little change in the strength of association between clinical/demographic characteristics and mortality (eg, presence of any psychiatric disorder: unweighted PR 2.66, 95% CI 2.52 to 2.80; weighted PR 2.70, 95% CI 2.56 to 2.84).
Lower response rates to the 2011 census among people with psychiatric disorders may have contributed to lower match rates, a potential concern as the census informs service planning and allocation of resources. Due to its size and unique characteristics, the linked data set will enable novel investigations into the relationship between socioeconomic factors and psychiatric disorders.
Odontoiatri e pediatri uniti per la salute dei giovani, parte un progetto
Andi e Fimp incontrano Gemmato, iniziative per la prevenzione
Salute mentale, 50% dei disturbi compare prima dei 18 anni
Sinpf, prevenzione e screening per i ragazzi
Anziani, Schillaci: “Importanti misure per promuovere invecchiamento attivo e in salute”
Comunicato del 25/01/2024 n°3
Schillaci, 'Approvate importanti misure per l'invecchiamento in salute'
Da cure a domicilio a tutela della salute mentale e inclusione sociale
Gimbe, sulla Salute rispettate le scadenze europee del Pnrr
‘Il ddl Calderoli contro l’obiettivo, non riduce gap Nord-Sud’