The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the research activity and working experience of clinical academics, with a focus on gender and ethnicity: a qualitative study in the UK

To investigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the research activity and working experience of clinical academics, with a focus on gender and ethnicity.

Qualitative study based on interviews and audio/written diary data.

UK study within clinical academia.

Purposive sample of 82 clinical academics working in medicine and dentistry across all career stages ranging from academic clinical fellows and doctoral candidates to professors.

Qualitative semistructured interviews (n=68) and audio diary data (n=30; including 16 participants who were also interviewed) collected over an 8-month period (January–September 2020), thematically analysed.

20 of 30 (66.6%) audio diary contributors and 40 of 68 (58.8%) interview participants were female. Of the participants who disclosed ethnicity, 5 of 29 (17.2%) audio diary contributors and 19/66 (28.8%) interview participants identified as Black, Asian or another minority (BAME). Four major themes were identified in relation to the initial impact of COVID-19 on clinical academics: opportunities, barriers, personal characteristics and social identity, and fears and uncertainty. COVID-19 presented opportunities for new avenues of research. Barriers included access to resources to conduct research and the increasing teaching demands. One of the most prominent subthemes within ‘personal characteristics’ was that of the perceived negative impact of the pandemic on the work of female clinical academics. This was attributed to inequalities experienced in relation to childcare provision and research capacity. Participants described differential experiences based upon their gender and ethnicity, noting intersectional identities.

While there have been some positives afforded to clinical academics, particularly for new avenues of research, COVID-19 has negatively impacted workload, future career intentions and mental health. BAME academics were particularly fearful due to the differential impact on health. Our study elucidates the direct and systemic discrimination that creates barriers to women’s career trajectories in clinical academia. A flexible, strategic response that supports clinical academics in resuming their training and research is required. Interventions are needed to mitigate the potential lasting impact on capacity from the pandemic, and the potential for the loss of women from this valuable workforce.

Giugno 2022

Sex Differences in Poststroke Inflammation: a Focus on Microglia Across the Lifespan

Stroke, Volume 53, Issue 5, Page 1500-1509, May 1, 2022. Stroke is one of the leading causes of death worldwide and currently only few therapeutic options are available. Stroke is a sexually dimorphic disease contributing to the difficulty in finding efficient treatments. Poststroke neuroinflammation is geared largely by brain microglia and infiltrating peripheral immune cells and largely contributes to sex differences in the outcome of stroke. Microglia, since very early in the development, are sexually divergent, imprinting specific sex-related features. The diversity in terms of microglial density, morphology, and transcriptomic and proteomic profiles between sexes remains in the adulthood and is likely to contribute to the observed sex-differences on the postischemic inflammation. The impact of sexual hormones is fundamental: changes in terms of risk and severity have been observed for females before and after menopause underlining the importance of altered circulating sexual hormones. Moreover, aging is a driving force for changes that interact with sex, shifting the inflammatory response in a sex-dependent manner. This review summarizes the present literature on sex differences in stroke-induced inflammatory responses, with the focus on different microglial responses along lifespan.

Aprile 2022