Attività di studio attraverso un semplice prelievo di sangue
Risultati per: Gestione della diverticolite del colon
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Cancro esofago-gastrico: valutazione e gestione negli adulti
ESH: nuove linee guida complete per la gestione dell’ipertensione arteriosa
Gestione e prevenzione dell’Asma (GINA)
Gestione dei pazienti con scompenso cardiaco e frazione di eiezione conservata
Linee guida per la pratica clinica nella gestione del diabete mellito
Evaluating the efficacy and safety of neoadjuvant pembrolizumab in patients with stage I-III MMR-deficient colon cancer: a national, multicentre, prospective, single-arm, phase II study protocol
Within the last two decades, major advances have been made in the surgical approach for patients with colorectal cancer. However, to this day we face considerable challenges in reducing surgery-related complications and improving long-term oncological outcomes. Unprecedented response rates have been achieved in studies investigating immunotherapy in patients with mismatch repair deficient (dMMR) colorectal cancer. This has raised the question of whether neoadjuvant immunotherapy may change the standard of care for localised dMMR colon cancer and pave the way for organ-sparing treatment.
Methods and analysis
This is an investigator-initiated, multicentre, prospective, single-arm, phase II study in patients with stage I–III dMMR colon cancer scheduled for intended curative surgery. Eighty-five patients will be treated with one dose of pembrolizumab (4 mg/kg) and within 5 weeks will undergo a re-evaluation with an endoscopy and a CT scan—to assess tumour response—before standard resection of the tumour. The primary endpoint is the number of patients with pathological complete response, and secondary endpoints include safety (number and severity of adverse events) and postoperative surgical complications. In addition, we aspire to identify predictive biomarkers that can point out patients that achieve pathological complete response.
Ethics and dissemination
The Regional Committee for Health Research and Ethics and the Danish Medicines Agency have approved this study. The study will be performed according to the Helsinki II declaration. Written informed consent will be obtained from all participants. The results of the study will be submitted to peer-reviewed journals for publication and presented at international congresses.
Trial registration number
Gestione dei pazienti con pneumotorace spontaneo primario
Linee guida per la gestione della nevralgia del trigemino
Small colon polyp with unusual thickening of the surrounding mucosa in a young patient
Diagnosi e gestione del Carcinoma mammario precoce e localmente avanzato (Cancro al seno)
Guida pratica sulla gestione dei pazienti con diversi fenotipi di scompenso cardiaco
Linee guida sulla gestione e trattamento dell’epatite C (HCV)
Cambiamenti del microbioma intestinale legati ai polipi precancerosi del colon
Linee guida sulla gestione dell’ascite nelle malattie del fegato
Lo scompenso più comune nei pazienti con cirrosi è l’ascite. […]