Modificate geneticamente abbattono i tassi di recidività
Risultati per: Gestione del carcinoma polmonare (cancro al polmone) non a piccole cellule
Questo è quello che abbiamo trovato per te
L’uso regolare di aspirina riduce il rischio di cancro del colon-retto
BSG: linee guida per la gestione del carcinoma epatocellulare negli adulti
Cancro al polmone, i programmi di screening potrebbero dimezzare la mortalità
Secondo l’Oms, questa neoplasia miete ogni anno più vittime dei tumori al colon, al seno e al fegato messi insieme
Survival in Patients With Recurrent Intermediate-Stage Hepatocellular Carcinoma
This randomized clinical trial evaluates the efficacy and safety of transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) plus sorafenib vs TACE alone for patients with recurrent intermediate-stage hepatocellular carcinoma.
Cancro, il Cnao si dota di una terza sorgente per potenziare l’adroterapia
Scopo del progetto, del valore di 10 milioni di euro di cui 3,8 finanziati da Regione Lombardia, è l’aggiornamento tecnologico del sincrotrone per produrre elio, ossigeno e litio
SIGN: Gestione del diabete in gravidanza.
Nuova cura per il tumore al polmone dei non fumatori, 2 su 3 vivi a 5 anni
Gli autori dello studio: “Risultati che non hanno precedenti”
L'endometriosi può quadruplicare il rischio di cancro ovarico
Le forme più gravi aumentano ancora di più il pericolo
Al via un nuovo Master sulla gestione delle mielolesioni
Coinvolge centri specializzati e atenei Bologna, Milano e Padova
British Society of Gastroenterology guidelines for the management of hepatocellular carcinoma in adults
Deaths from the majority of cancers are falling globally, but the incidence and mortality from hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is increasing in the United Kingdom and in other Western countries. HCC is a highly fatal cancer, often diagnosed late, with an incidence to mortality ratio that approaches 1. Despite there being a number of treatment options, including those associated with good medium to long-term survival, 5-year survival from HCC in the UK remains below 20%. Sex, ethnicity and deprivation are important demographics for the incidence of, and/or survival from, HCC. These clinical practice guidelines will provide evidence-based advice for the assessment and management of patients with HCC. The clinical and scientific data underpinning the recommendations we make are summarised in detail. Much of the content will have broad relevance, but the treatment algorithms are based on therapies that are available in the UK and have regulatory approval for use in the National Health Service.
Terapia derivata dalle cellule staminali contro il cancro al fegato resistente al trattamento
Nuovo bersaglio terapeutico per il cancro al pancreas
Adjuvant Pembrolizumab in Renal-Cell Carcinoma
New England Journal of Medicine, Volume 391, Issue 2, Page 185-186, July 11, 2024.
Scoperto bersaglio per il trattamento del cancro al pancreas
Correction: 'Efficacy and safety of radiotherapy combined with atezolizumab plus bevacizumab in treating hepatocellular carcinoma with portal vein tumour thrombus: a study protocol
Wang K, Yu H-M, Xiang Y-J, et al. Efficacy and safety of radiotherapy combined with atezolizumab plus bevacizumab in treating hepatocellular carcinoma with portal vein tumour thrombus: a study protocol. BMJ Open 2022;12:e064688. doi:10.1136/ bmjopen-2022-064688 This article has been corrected since it was published online. In the Method and Analysis section of the Abstract: The sentence currently reads: ‘Assuming an ORR of 47%, with a two-sided alpha error of 0.1, 90% power, and a 10% drop-out rate, the required number of evaluable patients is 42.’ It should be corrected to: ‘Assuming an ORR of 47%, with a one-sided alpha error of 0.1, 90% power, and a 10% drop-out rate, the required number of evaluable patients is 42.’ In the Statistical Methods section: The sentence currently reads: ‘Hence, assuming an ORR of 47% after discussion among investigators based on the experience, with a two-sided alpha error…