Autore/Fonte: Federica Ponzi, Bernardino Bruno, Daniela Antenucci, Federica Tancredi, Luciano Lippa
Nota AIFA 100: luci ed ombre
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Novembre 2023
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Autore/Fonte: Federica Ponzi, Bernardino Bruno, Daniela Antenucci, Federica Tancredi, Luciano Lippa
I risultati studio di fase III confermano efficacia
Ex insegnante e sindaca mamma del medico che identificò la Sars
Stroke, Volume 55, Issue Suppl_1, Page A96-A96, February 1, 2024. Introduction:While ischemic stroke (IS) in the young (18-55) is thought to have different etiologies than in older patients, a rise in vascular risk factors (VRFs) among young adults may translate to an IS risk profile similar to the older population. We aimed to examine the prevalence of VRFs and temporal trends in VRF burden among young patients presenting with IS.Methods:Data was prospectively collected by Get With the Guidelines-Stroke® hospitals participating in the Florida Stroke Registry between January 2010 and December 2022. Patients aged 18-55 with a diagnosis of IS were included and separated into two age groups: 18-35 and 36-55. VRFs included hypertension, dyslipidemia, obesity, smoking, atrial fibrillation, coronary artery disease, heart failure, diabetes, and sleep apnea. Multimorbidity was defined as having ≥4 VRFs.Results:47,792 patients with IS were included (43% female, median age 49, 51% white), comprising 4,275 patients aged 18-35 (8.9%) and 43,517 aged 36-55 (91.1%). The prevalence of each VRF was higher among patients aged 36-55 vs 18-35 (all p values
A partire dal 27 giugno 2023 è disponibile un aggiornamento dei documenti allegati alla Nota 100 (schede di prescrizione ed elenco dei farmaci)
Annals of Internal Medicine, Ahead of Print.
Stabili gli ospedali nelle intensive e nei reparti non critici
L’Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco ha aggiornato la Nota 96 (determina AIFA n. 48/2023 pubblicata nella Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 43 del 20 febbraio 2023) sui criteri di appropriatezza prescrittiva della supplementazione con vitamina D e suoi analoghi (colecalciferolo, calcifediolo) per la prevenzione e il trattamento degli stati di carenza nell’adulto
Confindustria dispositivi medici, 37mila sono vecchi
Studio Confindustria dispositivi medici, sia utile per Pnrr
Stroke, Volume 54, Issue Suppl_1, Page A96-A96, February 1, 2023. Introduction:The Get with the Guidelines – Stroke (GWTG-Stroke) registry has been collecting endovascular thrombectomy (EVT) data on acute stroke interventions since 2015. The key variables associated with EVT, solely based on local site documentation, have never been independently adjudicated. We conducted a detailed analysis of single center EVT data as entered in the GWTG-Stroke registry.Methods:Consecutive EVT cases entered into both GWTG-Stroke and an independent research database at a large academic comprehensive stroke center were sampled from 2020-2022. For each case, the following EMR and PACS imaging variables related to EVT efficacy and safety outcomes were compared between GWTG-Stroke and core lab independent readings, including: site of target occlusion (STO), first-pass time (FPT), time mTICI >=2b50 first documented (reperfusion time), final mTICI score (0, 1, 2a, 2b50, 3; FTICI), presence of post-intervention hemorrhagic transformation (HT), and subtype/extent of HT.Results:The GWTG-Stroke registry EVT-imaging data variables document only 6/30 (20%) of the common data elements (CDEs) recommended by NINDS and 6/34 (18%) recommended by the FDA. Of the 80 cases sampled, 29 (36%) had discrepancies between GWTG-Stroke recorded data and independent core lab findings. In 4 cases (5%), reperfusion time was incorrect. In another 4 cases (5%), FTICI was incorrect, even when using the gross 2b50/3 categories. In 1 case (1.3%) STO was incorrect. In 2 cases (2.5%) patient data was not reported to GWTG-Stroke. In 21 cases (26%), HT was documented as not present, when in fact it was. Of those, 3 cases (4%) were PH2, while 18 cases (23%) were IPH of PH1 or less, SAH or SDH.Conclusions:Detailed analysis of the GWTG-Stroke registry on EVT for acute ischemic stroke reveal major discrepancies in numerous variables. In addition, the majority of variables recommended by NINDS and FDA for routine collection in thrombectomy procedures are not captured in GWTG-Stroke. Even the minority of recommended thrombectomy CDEs currently captured in GWTG-Stroke further contain subject level discrepancies in imaging and angiography outcomes when centrally adjudicated.